The Bianchi lab
The Bianchi lab


 Bianchi lab

  1. White O. R., Graziano B., and Bianchi L. Comparison of avoidance assay techniques to determine the response to 1-octanol in C. elegansmicroPublication Biology, 2024, 10.17912/micropub.biology.001177.

  2. Graziano B., Wang L., White O. R., Kaplan D. H., Fernandez-Abascal J., and Bianchi L.  Glial KCNQ K+ channels control neuronal output by regulating GABA release from glia in C. elegansNeuron, 2024, 112(11): 1832-1847. PMID: 38460523

  3. Logan D.R., Hall J., and Bianchi L. A helping hand: roles for accessory cells in the sense of touch across species. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2024, Feb 16:18:1367476. PMID: 38433863.

  4. Robleto E., Habashi A., Benites Kaplan M.-A.,  Riley R. L., Zhang C., Bianchi L., and Shehadeh L. Medical students' perception of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted diagnosis programMedical Teacher, 2024, Feb 2:1-7, PMID: 38306667.

  5. Bianchi L. Identity revealed for a long-sought ER anion channel. Cell Research, 2023, 33(7): 487-488, PMID: 37142672.

  6. Wang L., Graziano B., and Bianchi L. Protocols for treating C. elegans with pharmacological agents, osmoles, and salts for imaging and behavioral assays. STAR Protocols, April 25th, 2023.

  7. Wang L., Graziano B., Encalada N., Fernandez-Abascal J., Kaplan D. H., and Bianchi L. Glial regulators of ions and solutes required for specific chemosensory functions in C. elegans. iScience, 2022, 25(12), 105684, PMID: 36567707.

  8. Fernandez-Abascal J., Wang L., Graziano B., Johnson C. K. and Bianchi L. Exon-dependent transcriptional adaptation by exon-junction complex proteins Y14/RNP-4 and MAGOH/MAG-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Plos Genetics, 2022, 18(10): e1010488. PMID: 36315586.

  9. Ackerman S., Singvhi A. and Bianchi L. Accessory cells of sensory systems and their functional roles. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, Volume 16, June 30th.

  10. Fernandez-Abascal J. and Bianchi L. A protocol for imaging calcium and chloride in C. elegans glia upon touch stimulationSTAR Protocols, April, 14th, 2022.

  11. Fernandez-Abascal J. and Bianchi L. The Cl- channel CLH-1 mediates HCO3- efflux from the AMphid sheath glia in C. elegans. microPublication Biology, 2022. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000510.

  12. Fernandez-Abascal J., Johnson C. K., Graziano B., Wang, L., Encalada N. and Bianchi L. A glial ClC Cl- channel mediates nose touch responses in C. elegansNeuron,  2022, 110(3): 470-485. PMID: 34861150.

  13. Johnson C.J, Miller D.M. III, and Bianchi L. Effect of the protease plasmin on C. elegans hyperactive DEG/ENaC channels MEC-4(d) and UNC-8(d). microPublication Biology, 2021. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000412. 

  14. Bianchi L. DEG/ENaC ion channels in the function of the nervous system: from worm to man. Book chapter Ion Channels in Biophysics and Physiology, Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.10007/978-981-16-4254-8, Series ISSN 0065-2598.

  15. Fernandez-Abascal J., Graziano B., Encalada N. and Bianchi L.  Glial chloride channels in the function of the nervous system across species.  Book chapter Ion Channels in Biophysics and Physiology, Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.10007/978-981-16-4254-8, Series ISSN 0065-2598.

  16. Wang L. and Bianchi L. Maintenance of protein homeostasis in glia extends life span in C. elegans. Review, Experimental Neurology, 2021, 339: 113648.

  17. Bianchi L. C. elegans glia are bona fide odorant receptor cells. Neuron, 2020, 108(4): 588-589.

  18. Johnson C.J, Fernandez-Abascal J., Wang Y., Wang L. and Bianchi L. The Na+/K+ ATPase is needed in glia of touch receptors for responses to touch in C. elegans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, 123(5): 2064-2074.

  19. Wang Y. and Bianchi L. Temperature-sensitive mosquito TRP channel rescues touch deficits caused by knock-out of a DEG/ENaC channel in C. elegans glia. microPublication Biology, 2020. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000209.

  20. Matthewman C., Johnson C. J., Miller, D. M. III. and Bianchi L. Functional features of the "finger" domain of DEG/ENaC channels MEC-4 and UNC-8American Journal of Cell Physiology, 315(2): C155-C163, 2018, PMID: 29694233.

  21. Sangaletti R., D'Amico M., Grant J., Della-Morte D. and Bianchi L. Knock-out of a mitochondrial sirtuin protects neurons from degeneration in C. elegansPLoS Genetics, Aug 18; 13(8):e1006965, 2017, PMID: 28820880, PMCID: PMC5576752. 

  22. Matthewman C., Miller-Fleming T. W., Miller, D. M. III. and Bianchi L. Ca2+ permeability and Na+ conductance in cellular toxicity caused by hyperactive DEG/ENaC channels. American Journal of Cell Physiology, 311(6):C920-930, 2016, PMID: 27760755.

  23. Miller-Fleming T. W., Sarah C. Petersen S. C., Manning L., Matthewman C., Gornet M., Beers A., Hori S., Mitani S., Bianchi L., Richmond J., David M. Miller, D. M. III. The DEG/ENaC Cation Channel Protein UNC-8 Drives Activity-Dependent Synapse Removal in Remodeling GABAergic Neurons. eLife, Jul. 12; 5 pii: e14599, 2016. PMID: 27403890, PMCID: PMC4980115.

  24. Grant J., Matthewman C., and Bianchi L.  A novel mechanism of pH buffering in C. elegans glia: bicarbonate transport via the voltage-gated ClC Cl- channel CLH-1. Journal of Neuroscience 35(50): 16377-97, 2015. PMID: 26674864, PMCID: PMC4679820.

  25. Zhuang G. Z., Keeler B., Grant J., Bianchi L., Fu E. S., Zhang Y. P., Erasso D. M., Cui J. G., Wiltshire T., Li Q., Hao S., Sarantopoulos K. D., Candiotti K., Wishnek S. M., Smith S. B., Maixner W., Diatchenko L., Martin E. R., Levitt R. C.
Carbonic anhydrase-8 regulates inflammatory pain by inhibiting the ITR1-cytosolic free calcium pathwayPLoS One, 10(3): e0118273,
2015. PMID: 25734498

  26. Sangaletti R., Dahl G., and Bianchi L. Mechanosensitive unpaired innexin channels in C. elegans touch neurons. American Journal of Cell Physiology, 307(10): C966-77, 2014. PMID: 25252948, PMCID: PMC4233263.

  27. Kamat S., Yeola S., Zhang W., Bianchi L.*, and Driscoll M*. NRA-2, a nicalin homolog, regulates neuronal death by controlling surface localization of toxic C. elegans DEG/ENaCs. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014, 289(17):11916-26, PMID: 24567339, *co-corresponding authors.

  28. Safratowich B., Hossain M., Bianchi L., and Carvelli L. Amphetamine potentiates the effects of β-Phenylethylamine through activation of an amine-gated chloride channel. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(13): 4686-91, 2014, PMID: 24672014, PMCID: PMC3965791.

  29. Wang Y., Matthewman C., Han L., Miller T., Miller D. M. III and Bianchi L. Neurotoxic unc-8 mutants encode constitutively active DEG/ENaC channels that are blocked by divalent cations. Journal of General Physiology, 142(2): 157-69, 2013, PMID: 23898007, PMCID:PMC3727304.

  30. Safratowich D. D, Lor C., Bianchi L., and Carvelli L. Amphetamine activates an amine-gated chloride channel to generate behavioral effects in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 88(30): 21630-7, 2013, PMID: 23775081, PMCID:PMC3724622.

  31. Sangaletti R. and Bianchi L. A method for culturing embryonic C. elegans cells. Jove, (79): e50649, 2013, PMID: 24084243.

  32. Han L., Wang Y., Sangaletti R., D’Urso G., Lu Y., Shaham S., and Bianchi L. Two novel DEG/ENaC channel subunits expressed in glia are needed for nose-touch sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(3): 936-949, 2013, PMID: 23325233, PMCID:PMC3711640.

  33. Grant J., Tran V., Bhattacharya S. K., and Bianchi L. Ionic currents of human trabecular meshwork cells from control and glaucoma subjects. Journal of Membrane Biology, 246(2): 167-75, 2013, PMID: 23135060, PMCID: PMC3557616.

  34. Wang Y., D'Urso G., and Bianchi L. Knockout of glial channel ACD-1 exacerbates sensory deficits in a C. elegans mutant by regulating calcium levels of sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(1): 148-58, 2012. PMID: 21994266, PMCID: PMC3349695.

  35. Bianchi L. and Diez-Sampedro A. A single amino acid change converts the sugar sensor SGLT3 into a sugar transporter. PLoS One, 5(4): e10241, 2010. PMID: 20421923, PMCID: PMC2857651.

  36. Wang Y. and Bianchi L. Insights into the molecular determinants of proton inhibition in an acid-inactivated degenerins and mammalian epithelial Na+ channel. Biochemistry, 48 (42), 10005–10013, 2009. PMID: 19769407, PMCID: PMC2764801.

  37. Wang Y., Apicella A. Jr, Lee S-K, Ezcurra M., Slone R. D., Goldmit M., Schafer W. R., Shaham S., Driscoll M., and Bianchi L. A glial DEG/ENaC channel functions with neuronal channel DEG-1 to mediate specific sensory functions in C. elegans. EMBO Journal, 27(18): 2388-2399, 2008. PMID: 18701922, PMCID: PMC2543049.

  38. Bianchi L. Mechanotransduction: touch and feel at the molecular level as modeled in Caenorhabditis elegans. Review, Molecular Neurobiology, 36(3): 254-271, 2007. PMID: 17955200.

    • Dr. Bianchi

  39. Zhang W.*, Bianchi L.*, Lee W.-H., Wang Y., Israel S., and Driscoll M. Intersubunit interactions between mutant DEG/ENaCs induce synthetic neurotoxicity. Cell Death and Differentiation, 15(11): 1794-1803, 2008. PMID: 18670436. * co-first author.

  40. Tsechpenakis G.*, Bianchi L.*, Metaxas D., and Driscoll M. A novel computational approach for simultaneous tracking and feature extraction of C. elegans populations in fluid environments. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, 55(5): 1539-1549, 2008. PMID: 18440900 * co-first author.

  41. Bianchi L. and Driscoll M. Culture of embryonic C. elegans cells for electrophysiological and pharmacological analyses. Book Chapter in WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research Community, ( Sep 30:1-15, 2006. PMID: 18050435.

  42. Bianchi L. and Driscoll M. Heterologous expression of C. elegans ion channels in Xenopus oocytes. Book Chapter in WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research Community, ( Aug 1:1-16, 2006. ( PMID: 18050441.

  43. Royal D. C.*, Bianchi L.*, Royal M. A., Lizzio M. Jr., Mukherjee G., Nunez, Y. O., and Driscoll M. Temperature-sensitive mutant of the Caenorhabditis elegans neurotoxic MEC-4(d) DEG/ENaC channel identifies a site required for trafficking or surface maintenance. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(51): 41976-41986, 2005. PMID: 16239217 * co-first author.

  44. Bianchi L., Gerstbrein B., Frøkjær-Jensen C., Royal D. C., Mukherjee G., Royal M. A., Xue J., Schafer W. R., and Driscoll M. The Neurotoxic MEC-4(d) DEG/ENaC sodium channel conducts calcium: implications for necrosis initiation. Nature Neuroscience, 7 (12): 1337-1344, 2004. PMID: 15543143.

  45. Bianchi L., and Driscoll M., The molecular basis of touch sensation as modeled in Caenorhabditis elegans. Book Chapter in “Transduction channels in sensory cells”, (eds. Frings, S. & Bradley J.), 1-29, 2004 (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany).

  46. Suzuki H., Kerr R., Bianchi L., Frøkjær-Jensen C., Slone D., Xue J., Gerstbrein B., Driscoll M., and Schafer W. R. In vivo imaging of C. elegans mechanosensory neurons demonstrates a specific role for the MEC-4 channel in the process of gentle touch sensation. Neuron, 39(6): 1005-1017, 2003.  PMID: 12971899.

  47. Bianchi L., Kwok S. K., Driscoll M., and Sesti F. A potassium channel-MiRP complex controls neurosensory function in Caenorhabditis elegans. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278: 12415-12424, 2003. PMID: 12533541.

  48. Bianchi L. and Driscoll M., Protons at the gate: DEG/ENaC ion channels help us feel and remember. Review, Neuron, 34(3): 337-340, 2002. PMID: 11988165.

  49. George A. L. Jr., Bianchi L., Link E. M., and Vanoye C. G. From stones to bones: the biology of ClC chloride channels. Review, Current Biology, 11(15): R620-628, 2001. PMID: 11516971.

  50. Rutledge E., Bianchi L., Christensen M., Boehmer C., Morrison R., Broslat A., Beld A. M., George A. L. Jr., Greenstein D., and Strange K. CLH-3, a ClC-2 anion channel ortholog activated during meiotic maturation in C. elegans oocytes. Current Biology, 11 (3): 161-170, 2001. PMID: 11231150.

  51. Bianchi L., Miller D. M. 3rd, and George A. L. Jr. Expression of a CIC chloride channel in Caenorhabditis elegans gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic neurons. Neuroscience Letters, 299 (3): 177-180, 2001. PMID: 11165764.

  52. Bianchi L., Priori S. G., Napolitano C., Surewicz, K. A., Dennis A. T., Memmi M., Schwartz P. J., and Brown A. M. Mechanisms of IKs suppression in LQT1 mutants. American Journal of Physiology, 279: H3003-H3011, 2000. PMID: 11087258.

  53. Napolitano C., Schwartz P. J., Brown A. M., Ronchetti E., Bianchi L., Pinnavaia A., Acquaro G., and Priori S. G. Evidence for a cardiac ion channel mutation underlying drug-induced QT prolongation and life-threatening arrhythmias. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 11 (6): 691-696, 2000. PMID: 10868744.

  54. Emmi A., Wenzel H. J., Schwartzkroin P. A., Taglialatela M., Castaldo P., Bianchi L., Nerbonne J., Robertson G. A., and Janigro D. Do glia have heart? Expression and functional role for ether-a-go-go currents in hippocampal astrocytes. Journal of Neuroscience, 20 (10): 3915-3925, 2000. PMID: 10804231.

  55. Bianchi L., Priori S. G., Shen Z.-J., Dennis A. T., Napolitano C., Ronchetti E., Bryskin R., Schwartz P. J., and Brown A. M. Cellular dysfunction of LQT5-minK mutants: abnormalities of IKs, IKr and trafficking in LQT syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics, 8 (8): 1499-1507, 1999. PMID: 10400998.

  56. Schwalbe R.A., Bianchi L., Accili E.A., and Brown A.M. Functional consequences of ROMK mutants linked to antenatal Bartter’s syndrome and implications for treatment. Human Molecular Genetics, 7 (6): 975-980, 1998. PMID: 9580661.

  57. Priori, S. G., Schwartz, P. J., Napolitano, C., Bianchi. L., Dennis, A., De Fusco M., Brown A. M., and Casari, G. A recessive variant of the Romano-Ward syndrome? Circulation, 97(24): 2420-2425, 1998. PMID: 9641694.

  58. Bianchi L., Wible B., Arcangeli A., Taglialatela M., Morra F., Castaldo P., Crociani O., Rosati B., Faravelli L., Olivotto M., and Wanke E. Herg encodes a K+ channel highly conserved in tumors of different histogenesis: a selective advantage for cancer cells? Cancer Research, 58 (4): 815-822, 1998. PMID: 9485040.

  59. Schwalbe R.A., Bianchi L., and Brown A.M. Mapping the kidney potassium channel ROMK1. Glycosylation of the pore signature sequence and the C-terminus. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272(40): 25217-25223, 1997. PMID: 9312136.

  60. Guatteo E., Bianchi L., Faravelli L., Verotta L., Pellizoni F., Rogers C. B., and Wanke E. A novel K+ channel blocker isolated from “Hiccup Nut” toxin. Neuroreport, 7(15-17): 2575-2579, 1996. PMID: 8981426.

  61. Schwalbe R. A., Wang Z., Bianchi L., and Brown A. M. Novel sites of N-glycosylation in ROMK1 reveal the putative pore-forming segment H5 as extracellular. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271: 24201-24206, 1996. PMID: 8798662

  62. Arcangeli A., Faravelli L., Bianchi L., Rosati B., Gritti A., Vescovi A., Wanke E., and Olivotto M. Soluble or bound laminin elicits in human neuroblastoma cells short-or long-term potentiation of a K+ inwardly rectifying current: relevance to neuritogenesis. Cell Adhesion and Communication, 4(4-5): 369-385, 1996. PMID: 9117354

  63. Bianchi L.*, Roy M. L.*, Taglialatela M., Lundgren D.W., Brown A.M., and Ficker E. Regulation by spermine of native inward rectifier K+ channels in RBL-1 cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271: 6114-6121, 1996. PMID: 8626398 * co-first author.

  64. Arcangeli A., Bianchi L., Becchetti A., Faravelli L., Coronello M., Mini E., Olivotto M., and Wanke E. A novel inward-rectifying K+ current with a cell-cycle dependence governs the resting potential of mammalian neuroblastoma cells. The Journal of Physiology, 489: 455-471, 1996. PMID: 8847640.

  65. Bianchi L., Arcangeli A., Bartolini P., Mugnai G., Wanke E., and Olivotto M. An inward rectifier K+ current modulates in neuroblastoma cells the tyrosine phosphorylation of the pp125FAK and associates proteins: role in neuritogenesis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 210(3): 823-829, 1995. PMID: 7539261.

  66. Wanke E., Bianchi L., Mantegazza M., Guatteo E., Mancinelli E., and Ferroni A. Muscarinic regulation of Ca2+ currents in rat sensory neurons: channel and receptor types, dose-response relationships and cross-talk pathways. European Journal of Neuroscience, 6(3): 381-391, 1994. PMID: 8019675.




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© Laura Bianchi